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console.log(object [, object, ...]) [, object, ...])

console.error(object [, object, ...])

var str = 'hello world';
console.log('--->>>%s', str);
Read more   2017/09/08 posted in  Web前端

awesome web

Read more   2017/08/15 posted in  Web前端



Read more   2017/08/15 posted in  Web前端

All about angularjs $formatters and $parsers

The original link

Hi folks, As a front end developers we need to deal with different data models which come from the server side. We have to format them , change them and yes! we need to validate them. Mainly JSON at these days. In most cases back end data not in the way it should be.(Back end developers doesn't bother to format data that much).Hence we are in a dark when we are going to render that data in our view. If you are angularjs user, Hell! you are in the business. Fortunately angularjs developers thought about it and provide few powerful features to us. Formatters, Parsers , validators and asyncValidators.

Read more   2017/08/15 posted in  Web前端